Name: Sonia H
Company: Inicea Groupe
Job title: Asistente de Calidad Gestión de Riesgos y Desarrollo Sostenible en Inicea Groupe
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More Informations About This Profile (Education, Experience, Skills, etc...)
Education & Professional Experience
Sonia has studied at ECEMA in Manager Santé Sécurité Environnement between 2018 and 2019, then at EI.CESI - Ecole d'ingénieurs du CESI in QSE between 2016 and 2018, then at IUT Lyon 1 in QSE between 2015 and 2016, then at Martinière Duchère in Communication, droit, économie, gestion, anglais, espagnol, aide àla décision... between 2013 and 2015, then at Lycée Jean Perrin in économie, anglais renforcé between 2009 and 2012.
Sonia worked for Blédina as Chargée de missions qualité between Mar 2020 and Sep 2020, for PIMAN CONSULTANTS as Chargée de mission HSE between Sep 2018 and Sep 2019, for Orangina Suntory France as Animatrice Qualité Système, Sécurité, Environnement between Oct 2016 and Apr 2018, for Inicea Groupe as Animatrice Qualité Gestion des Risques et Developpement Durable between Sep 2015 and Sep 2016, for Clinique Villa des Roses as Hôtesse d'accueil between Jul 2015 and Jul 2015, for clinique villa des roses as Assistante RH between Jan 2015 and Feb 2015, for Ecole Centrale de Lyon as Assistante service Relations Internationales between May 2014 and Jun 2014.
Skills & Competences
Sonia has the following skills : Sécurité, assistance en qualité, sécurité, environnement, Gestion des déchets, Assurance qualité, Management, Organisation d'événements, Communication, Gestion de projet, Logiciel, Microsoft Office, Administration, Espagnol, accueil téléphonique et physique, Anglais, Assistance administrative, qualité, Service client, gestion d'agendas, organisation de déplacement, Amélioration de la qualité.
Sonia speaks the following languages : espagnol, anglais.
Sonia has earned the following certifications : V2014, delivered by Haute Autorité de Santé; OHSAS 18001, delivered by ; ISO 9001; 2008/2015, delivered by ; ISO 22000, delivered by ; ISO 14001, delivered by .