Rene has studied at ZHAW School of Management and Law in Service Design & Innovation between 2020 and 2021, then at ZHAW School of Management and Law in Strategisches Marketing between 2020 and 2020, then at ZHAW School of Management and Law in Digital Product Management between 2019 and 2019, then at Schweizerisch technische Fachschule in Leadership between 2006 and 2007, then at BSZ für Technik Gustav Anton Zeuner in Heizungs-Lüftungs-Klimatechnik between 1999 and 2001.
Rene worked for Sulzer as Projektleiter internationale Projekte between Jan 2008 and Feb 2011, for Taconova Group AG as Leiter Kundendienst between Jan 2006 and Dec 2007, for Sulzer as Inbetriebsetzungstechniker between Jan 2002 and 2005, for Scholze GmbH as Haustechnikplaner between Jun 2001 and Dec 2001.
Skills & Competences
Rene has the following skills : Produkt-und Projektmanagement, Trinkwassererwärmung im Durchflussprinzip Einsatz und Voraussetzungen, Produktzulassungsprozesse und Konformitätsbewertungen, Abteilungsübergreifende Teamführung, Wettbewerbsanalysen im Bereich Haustechnikprodukte. is a fabulous tool that allows you to find any professional email address in seconds. It's free for basic use, give it a try, you'll see how efficient and powerful it is!
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