Name: Mina Mirzadeh
Company: KIC InnoEnergy
Job title: Estudiante de Máster en Innovación Energética en KIC InnoEnergy
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More Informations About This Profile (Education, Experience, Skills, etc...)
Education & Professional Experience
Mina has studied at Leibniz Universität Hannover in Power Electronics and Drive Control between 2019 and 2024, then at University of Leuven in Energy between 2016 and 2017, then at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Electrical Engineering between 2015 and 2016, then at University of Tehran in Electrical and Electronics Engineering between 2009 and 2014, then at Aboureihan High School in Mathematics and Physics between 2006 and 2009.
Mina worked for imec as Master Thesis Student between Oct 2016 and Aug 2017, for InnoEnergy as Local CommUnity Manager between Sep 2015 and Aug 2017, for Aryanpour School of Culture & Education as Part-time English Language Teacher between Oct 2014 and Jun 2015, for Thin Film & Nano Electronics Laboratory, University of Tehran as Research Assistant between Jul 2012 and Jun 2014, for University of Tehran as Teaching Assistant - Physics of Electronic Devices between Feb 2013 and May 2013, for IEEE as Student Member between Jan 2012 and Dec 2012, for University of Tehran as Teaching Assistant - Digital Logic Design between Oct 2011 and Jan 2012.
Skills & Competences
Mina has the following skills : Social Entrepreneurship, Materials, Microsoft Office, Analog Circuit Design, PSpice, Renewable Energy, Simulink, C++, Simulations, Programming, Power Systems, Matlab, Machine Learning, Research, LabVIEW, Data Analysis, Sensors, Verilog, VHDL, Creative Pitching.
Mina graduated from the following courses : Device Fabrication Lab, Power Electronics, Electric Machines (1, 2), Materials in Electrical Engineering, Electromobility, Electric Transportation, Light and Lighting Systems, Energy Law, Optimization, Communication and Control in Electric Power Systems, Computer Applications in Power Systems, Electronics Physics, Energy Management, Electronics (1, 2, 3), Heating, Cooling and Indoor Climate, Modern Physics, Electricity and Gas Markets, Linear Control Systems, Building Simulation, Observation of Power Systems.
Mina speaks the following languages : Persian, Arabic, English, German.
Mina has earned the following certifications : Certificate of Teacher Education Program, delivered by Aryanpour School of Culture & Education; Certificate of Teaching Kids and Teenagers, delivered by Aryanpour School of Culture & Education; CommUnity Representatives, delivered by KIC InnoEnergy; InnoEnergy Master's School programme, delivered by InnoEnergy.