Name: Mace Quentin
Company: Groupama Supports et Services
Job title: Desarrollador de pila completa (Angular 7/JAVA 8)
Country of Residence: France
Precise location: France
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More Informations About This Profile (Education, Experience, Skills, etc...)
Education & Professional Experience
Mace has studied at Polytech Grenoble in Réseau Informatique et Communication Multimédia between 2013 and 2017, then at Université du Québec àChicoutimi in Video games between 2016 and 2017, then at Lycée Leconte de Lisle in Classe préparatoire MP (Option SI) between 2012 and 2013, then at Lycée Leconte de Lisle in Classe préparatoire MPSI between 2011 and 2012, then at Lycée Saint-Charles between 2009 and 2011.
Mace worked for GROUPAMA SUPPORTS ET SERVICES as Full Stack Developer (Angular 7/JAVA 8) between Dec 2018 and Nov 2019, for XPO Logistics Europe as Test engineer between Feb 2018 and Sep 2018, for SOLUTEC as Internship - Development of a tool to automate the creation of training schedules between Jul 2017 and Dec 2017, for Université Grenoble Alpes as Internship - Development of exercises and tools for the CaseInE platform between May 2016 and Jul 2016, for Verimag as Stage - Inférence de fonctions OCaml définies par récurrence sur un type inductif between Jul 2014 and Aug 2014.
Skills & Competences
Mace has the following skills : Jasmine, Angular, Recherche opérationnelle, Java, Computer Science, TDD, GitHub, Kibana, Reactive Programming, RWD, NGXS, Craftmanship, Jest, Karma, NgRX, RxJS, JIRA, Anglais, Propriété intellectuelle.
Mace graduated from the following courses : Génie logiciel, Ingénierie de l'interaction homme-machine, Compétences informationnelles cycles supérieurs, Automates et grammaires, Architecture logicielle et matérielle, Algorithmique et programmation impérative, Communication, Complexité algorithmique et cryptographie, Bases de données réparties, Applications réparties, Economie - Droit, Développement avancé de logiciels:Patrons&Modèles, Gestion de projets informatiques, Bases de données, Communication langagière, Algorithmique et programmation fonctionnelle, Accès et recherche d'information, Algorithmique avancée, Gestion, Communications numériques.
Mace speaks the following languages : Anglais, Créole et pidgin, basés sur le français, Français.
Mace has earned the following certifications : Méthodes Agiles, delivered by Actinuum; Passeport de services ITIL, ISO/IEC 20000, delivered by Service Management France & Polytech Grenoble; TOIEC (900), delivered by .