Lee has studied at VDAB in Horeca en aanverwante serviceberoepen between 2007 and 2007, then at KTA Brugge in Grafische beroepen en drukkerijwerkzaamheden between 2001 and 2006.
Lee worked for Villa Borghese as Kelner between Oct 2009 and Sep 2010, for Bistro Paddock - Thermae Palace Oostende as Kelner between Aug 2007 and Oct 2009.
Skills & Competences
Lee has the following skills : Quality Management, Queue Management, Data Analysis, Computer Hardware, Coaching, Operations Management, People Skills.
Lee graduated from the following courses : Callcenter management in de praktijk, European Contact Center Standard, Motivatie & persoonsinschatting, COPC controle model.
Lee speaks the following languages : Frans, Nederlands, Engels.
Lee has earned the following certifications : Insights Discovery Observerende Hervormer 56, delivered by Kenneth Smit.
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