has studied at Management en beleid van de gezondheidszorg/Centrum voor ziekenhuiswetenschappen KULeuven between 2003 and 2004, then at Aggregaat biomedische wetenschappen between 2002 and 2003, then at Master biomedische wetenschappen/KULeuven between 1999 and 2003, then at Latijn Wiskunde/Sint Ursula Lier between 1993 and 1999.
worked for Sint-Ursula Lyceum Lier as Licentiaat Biologie en Chemie 2e en 3e graad ASO between Sep 2003 and Jun 2004.
Skills & Competences
has the following skills : Facilities Management, aankoop, Materiaalbeheer, People Skills, schoonmaak beheer, Logistiekbeheer, Facilitaire activiteiten, magazijnbeheer.
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