Name: Cesar Fernandez
Company: Way2net - Digital Strategy
Job title: director General - Gerente General
Country of Residence: Argentina
Precise location: Tigre Partido, Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina
Website of the company : /
Size of the company : sign up to find out
More Informations About This Profile (Education, Experience, Skills, etc...)
Skills & Competences
Cesar has the following skills : Televisión, Multimedia, Social Media, Medios digitales, Publicidad en Internet, VÃÂdeo, Redes Sociales, Adobe Premiere Pro, Diseño gráfico, Marketing, Traducción , Blogs, Producción multimedia, After Effects, Consultor de redes sociales, Escritura creativa, Periodismo, Redacción de noticias, Edición de vÃÂdeo, InDesign.
Cesar graduated from the following courses : Diseño Gráfico Vectorial con Adobe Illustrator (80 horas), Retoque Fotográfico (35 horas), Lengua Francesa B2 (63 horas), Desarrollo de Productos Editoriales Multimedia (580 horas), Curso de Community Manager (385 horas), Photoshop Avanzado (40 horas).
Cesar speaks the following languages : Valenciano/Catalán, Inglés, Francés, Español, Portugués, Italiano.
Cesar has earned the following certifications : CERTIFICADO DE ASISTENCIA A LA CONFERENCIA IP LITIGATION IN CHINA: AN UNPREDICTABLE ADVENTURE? RECENT CASES AND ANALYSIS, delivered by Universitat de València; Community Manager (385 horas), delivered by Ajuntament de Torrent; Desarrollo de Productos Editoriales Multimedia (580 horas), delivered by Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación (SERVEF); NIVELL B1 DE CONEIXEMENTS DE VALENCIÀ, delivered by Junta Qualificadora de Coneixements de Valencià; Diseño Gráfico Vectorial con Adobe Illustrator (80 horas), delivered by FOREM PV; Seminario de TerminologÃÂa JurÃÂdica Francesa (6 horas), delivered by Universitat de València; Curso de Lengua Francesa B2 (63 horas), delivered by Paris Langues ; Retoque Fotográfico (35 horas), delivered by FOREM PV; Photoshop Avanzado (40 horas), delivered by FOREM PV; Alemán A2, delivered by EOI. is a fabulous tool that allows you to find any professional email address in seconds. It's free for basic use, give it a try, you'll see how efficient and powerful it is!