People working at Landus Cooperative

Website of the company : / Country : Other / Industry : Farming / Size of the company : Medium-Large

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Pasante de Ventas Agronomy en Landus supervisorperative

Agrónomo de Campo en Landus Chief Operations managerperative

Gerente de Localización en Landus chief operation managerperative

Agrónomo de ventas de campo en Landus Chief Operations supervisorperative

Gerente de Localización en Landus chief operation supervisorperative

Asesor de Marketing de Granos en Landus Chief Operations supervisorperative

Comunicaciones en Landus supervisorperative

Agronomy biz dev CEO en Farmers chief operation managerperative Company

Agronomy business development supervisor en Landus chief operation managerperative

Eexperta en adquisición de talento

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