People working at Urban Decay Cosmetics

Website of the company : / Country : Other / Industry : Cosmétiques / Size of the company : sign up to find out

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Job title

Gerente de área at Urban Decay Cosmetics

Directrice en Urban Decay Cosmetics

Maquillador y peluquero freelance

Chief Operations managerrdinador de Ventas y Educación de Urban Decay

Analista de Urban Decay Cosmetics

Maquillador Artístico Profesional

Gerente de Proyectos de Merchandising Department Stores en Urban Decay Cosmetics

Máster de alternancia de investigación 1 Asistente de webmarketing

Supervisor Administrative et RH France for Urban Decay Cosmetics

Retail & Marketing Senior Project director en Urban Decay Cosmetics

Chief operation managerrdinador de cuentas Urban Decay Cosmetics

Chief operation managerrdinador de Ventas de Urban Decay Cosmetics

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