People working at Flowserve Corporation

Website of the company : / Country : USA / Industry : Mechanical or Industrial Engineering / Size of the company : Extra Large

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Job title

Gerente de TI Flow Solutions Group en Flowserve

Reclutador Senior EMEA en Flowserve Corporation

Gerente de ventas de área FLOWSERVE GESTRA FRANCE

supervisor de TI de Snr en Flowserve

Gerente regional de TI / Gerente de cadena de suministro de TI de EMA en Flowserve Pompes

Ingeniero de ventas for Flowserve Corporation

Oracle ERP Project supervisor en Flowserve

Ingeniero de servicio de campo en Flowserve Corporation

Project supervisor en FLOWSERVE POMPES

Gerente de Desarrollo Oracle Business Solutions

Servicio técnico-comercial FLOWSERVE SIHI Pump Agencia Elbeuf supervisor del taller y la actividad del sitio

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